Monday 2 August 2010

Excuses Excuses

Procrastination is the thief of time.

There's no doubt about that. 

I procrastinate all the time. My life is one long procrastination. When I was young I wanted to be an author. My biggest idea for a story has been brewing in my head for the last 10 years. I haven't written down a word. I've always been waiting for the time when my writing would be 'good enough'. The problem is I never bothered to practise.

I like to get things right first time. I'm one of those perfectionist-type people. I need to have a well ordered plan. I need to be in control. But I'm lazy. Instead of doing the work I postpone things. It's easier that way. I tell myself it'll be better later if I do it later. I make excuses.
So my dreams fall by the wayside. My resolutions never turn into realities. I don't want this to sound like I'm being self-depreciating. I'm being honest (even if it does sound self-depreciating). Neither do I want this to sound like those stories where the underdog claws their way to success. You know the ones. They make you feel like you too could soar through the air like the high-flyers they are. But then you realise that they have the wings of eagles while yours are more like a housefly's. So you make an excuse. Or that's your excuse. You go back to work, or to school, or wherever. You do everything the same. In my case you go back to sleeping through your lectures.
And the problem with that is you sleep through your life.

You miss everything. 

Friends. Family. Career. And things that give your life meaning.

Not many of us are fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to know when this life will end. Even fewer of us while knowing have time to 'get our affairs in order'. Why wait for someone to say 'I think you should do all the things you really wanted to do'? Why just float your boat when you can sail a ship.

They say the mind is a terrible thing to waste. I say to waste time is even worse.

Right now it's my summer holiday. Specifically it's my last long summer. Possibly (probably) the last for the rest of my life. I'm never going to have time like this again and I'm never going to get this time back. 

When I was younger I wanted to write. And this is me stopping the excuses.

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